How To Build a Robot(INDEX)
THIS IS A CONTENTS.TO KNOW HOW TO BUILD A ROBOT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ROBOTS FIRST.STAY TUNE!!!Welcome to this grand robot building tutorial. This massive tutorial is written to introduce you all to the world of robotics. Anybody with a basic understanding of Electricity, Electronics, Voltage, Current and a bit of common sense (we need that right?) will be able to clearly read and understand this tutorial. In this series, we will understand the different types of robots, their building techniques, materials used and everything else required to build a robot.
Note: This is not a step-by-step tutorial to build a robot, but a guide to lead you into the intimidating world of robots. The tutorial covers different types of robots, sensors, actuators, their control techniques and tools required to build a robot, etc. This information will give you a fair idea on what your robot should look like, what parts to use, how to engineer and control them and various other tips. If you are looking for a step-by-step guide, navigate through the site and I am sure you will find something interesting :) Index
- Introduction to robots
- Classification of robots
- Holonomic and Non-Holonomic Robots
- Landbased Robots
- Wheeled Robots
- Types of Robot Wheels
- Different types of Wheeled Robots
- Wheel Control Theory
- Tracked Robots
- Legged Robots
- Wheeled-Legged & Hybrid Robots
- Aquatic Robots
- Flying Robots & Other Hybrid Robots
- Robot Sensors
- Types of Robot Sensors
- Actuators
- Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Piezoelectric Actuators
- SMA, Combustion Engine and Electric Actuators
- Electric Motors
- Types of DC Motors
- Motion Controllers
- Motor Speed Control
- Feedback Control
- Microcontroller
- Tools
- Basic Tools
- Advanced Tools
- Specialized Tools
- Setting up a Robot Lab
- Materials to build robots
- Wood
- Plastic
- Metal
- Energy for Robots
- Petroleum
- Nuclear Energy
- Super Capacitor
- Solar Cells (PV Cells)
- Fuel Cells
- Robot Batteries
- Types of Batteries
- Primary Batteries
- Secondary Batteries
- Robot Communication
- Wired Robot Communication
- Wireless Robot Communication